Saturday, February 22, 2025

Cassandra Performance Optimization

Hey Guys!! I'm back with a new learning this week, I worked and experimented on Cassandra Distributed database. It's special feature is it's quering capability with NoSQL - Not only SQL.
Let's jump to our last set blog post where we have learnt about the Cassandra installation on a VM. Hope you are ready with cassandra DB node.
CREATE KEYSPACE myksdb WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; use myksdb;

1. SizeTieredCompactionStrategy (STCS)

Scenario: An IoT application with a high volume of incoming sensor data.
Use Case: An IoT platform collects data from thousands of sensors distributed across a smart city. Each sensor sends data continuously, leading to a high volume of writes.
Advantage: STCS is ideal for this write-heavy workload because it efficiently handles large volumes of data by merging smaller SSTables into larger ones, reducing write amplification and managing disk space effectively.
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

use iot;

CREATE TABLE iot.sensor_data (
  sensor_id int,
  timestamp timestamp,
  data blob,
  PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, timestamp)
) WITH compaction = {
  'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy',
  'min_threshold': 4,
  'max_threshold': 32

DESC TABLE  iot.sensor_data

2. LeveledCompactionStrategy (LCS)

Scenario: A social media application with a focus on fast reads. Use Case: A social media platform requires fast access to user profiles and posts. Users frequently query the latest posts, likes, and comments.
Advantage: LCS is suitable for read-heavy workloads. It organizes SSTables into levels, ensuring that queries read from a small number of SSTables, resulting in lower read latency and consistent performance.
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

USE socialmedia;

CREATE TABLE socialmedia.user_posts (
  user_id int,
  post_id int,
  content text,
  PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)
) WITH compaction = {
  'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy',
  'sstable_size_in_mb': 160

DESC TABLE socialmedia.user_posts

3. TimeWindowCompactionStrategy (TWCS)

Scenario: A time-series database for monitoring server performance. Use Case: A company uses Cassandra to store and analyze server performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic. These metrics are collected at regular intervals and are time-based. Advantage: TWCS groups data into time windows, making it easier to expire old data and reduce compaction overhead. It is optimized for time-series data, ensuring efficient data organization and faster queries for recent data.
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

USE monitoring;

CREATE TABLE monitoring.server_metrics (
  server_id int,
  metric timestamp,
  cpu_usage double,
  memory_usage double,
  network_traffic double,
  PRIMARY KEY (server_id, metric)
) WITH compaction = {
  'class': 'TimeWindowCompactionStrategy',
  'compaction_window_unit': 'HOURS',
  'compaction_window_size': 1

DESC TABLE monitoring.server_metrics

4. UnifiedCompactionStrategy (UCS)

Scenario: An e-commerce platform with mixed read and write workloads. Use Case: An e-commerce website handles a mix of reads and writes, including product catalog updates, user reviews, and order processing. The workload varies throughout the day, with peak periods during sales events.
Advantage: UCS adapts to the changing workload by balancing the trade-offs of STCS and LCS. It provides efficient compaction for both read-heavy and write-heavy periods, ensuring consistent performance.
WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

USE ecommerce;

CREATE TABLE ecommerce.orders (
  order_id int,
  user_id int,
  product_id int,
  order_date timestamp,
  status text,
  PRIMARY KEY (order_id, user_id)
) WITH compaction = {
  'class': 'UnifiedCompactionStrategy'

desc table ecommerce.orders

Friday, February 21, 2025

Cassandra nodetool by examples

To monitor an Apache Cassandra cluster from the command line interface (CLI), you can use the nodetool utility, which is a powerful command-line tool specifically designed for managing and monitoring Cassandra clusters. Here are some key commands and their functionalities:

Key nodetool Commands

  • Check Cluster Status:

    nodetool status

    This command displays the status of all nodes in the cluster, including whether they are up or down, their load, and other important metrics.

  • Column Family Statistics:

    nodetool cfstats [keyspace_name].[table_name]

    This command provides detailed statistics for a specific table (column family), including read/write counts, disk space used, and more.

  • Thread Pool Statistics:

    nodetool tpstats

    This command shows statistics about thread pools used for read, write, and mutation operations, helping to identify potential bottlenecks.

  • Network Statistics:

    nodetool netstats

    This command displays information about network activity, including pending hints and the status of streaming operations.

  • Compaction Stats:

    nodetool compactionstats

    This command provides information about ongoing compactions, which can be useful for performance tuning.

  • Cluster Information:

    nodetool info

    This command gives a summary of the node's configuration and status within the cluster.

Additional Monitoring Options

For more advanced monitoring, you may also consider integrating tools like Prometheus and Grafana for visualization or using cloud-based solutions such as Datadog or New Relic. These tools can provide real-time metrics and alerts based on your Cassandra cluster's performance.

Using nodetool effectively allows you to maintain a healthy Cassandra environment by providing insights into its operational metrics directly from the CLI.

Apache Cassandra 5 installation on Ubuntu

In this post we will have step-by-step process of installation of the Latestt version of Apache Cassandra 5.0.3 (as of Feb 2025 available as latest) on Ubuntu 20.

What problem I'm solving with this?

There is no direct documentation on the Cassandra to help on installation of latest version that is 5.0.3 on Ubuntu. So I've experimented it on the online Ubuntu terminal(kllercoda) and posting all the steps here.

Pre-requisite to install Cassandra

1. Ubuntu Terminal either killercoda or codespace on github works good for this experiment.
2. Cassandra has specific compatibility requirements with different Java versions, which are crucial for ensuring optimal performance and stability.
you must have super(root) user access to install cassandra.

Step 1: Install Java/JRE

Ensure Java installed by checking with command `java -version` and if not existing then install as following:

#install jdk17-jre 
apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless

java -version

Step 2: Add Cassandra Repository

Since Cassandra is not included in the default Ubuntu repositories, you must add its repository with the following commands.
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
Let's get the cassandra to be downloaded with secure way to dao this we need to have GPG key from Cassandra:
wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
Note: don't miss the dash at the end of the line in the above wget command. Actual package information will be added to repo withfollowing line, this option can vary for cassandra versions 40x, 41x or 50x which can placed before the main.
echo "deb 50x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list
Update the package index
sudo apt update

Step 3: Install Cassandra 5.0.3

Now that the repository is set up, you can install Cassandra 5.0.3.
sudo apt install cassandra -y
Wait for the process to complete. Once the installation finishes, the Cassandra service starts automatically. Also, a user named cassandra is created during the process. That user is used to run the service.
systemctl status cassandra

Verify Cassandra installation

nodetool status

Don't work HARD!

Working hard it means you are not using your brain to work! Repeatative task can be automated that is called SMART work. Let's do that here:
apt install -y openjdk-17-jre-headless 
apt install apt-transport-https
wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb 50x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list

apt update
sudo apt install cassandra -y
sleep 10
echo "Cassandra installed verify"
nodetool status

Troubleshoot pointers:

Initializing cassandra server may takes some more seconds so wait if you see :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Server is not initialized yet, cannot run nodetool.
Obeserve in the output that Active line should have `active(running)`. If it is not that there is something is missing may be Java / JRE missmatched or unable to launch the Cassandra process we can look at the system logs.
Please write your experiance with Cassandra 5 installation in the comment box. Thanks for being with me till here.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Kafka Message system on Kubernetes


Setting up the Kubernetes namespace for kafka
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: "kafka"
    name: "kafka"

k apply -f kafka-ns.yml 
Now let's create the ZooKeeper container inside the kafka namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: zookeeper-service
  name: zookeeper-service
  namespace: kafka
  type: NodePort
    - name: zookeeper-port
      port: 2181
      nodePort: 30181
      targetPort: 2181
    app: zookeeper
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: zookeeper
  name: zookeeper
  namespace: kafka
  replicas: 1
      app: zookeeper
        app: zookeeper
        - image: wurstmeister/zookeeper
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          name: zookeeper
            - containerPort: 2181
image1 - kube-kafka1
From the ZOOKEEPER services get the Cluster IP and use it in the Kafka broker configuration which is next step we are going to perform.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: kafka-broker
  name: kafka-service
  namespace: kafka
  - port: 9092
    app: kafka-broker
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: kafka-broker
  name: kafka-broker
  namespace: kafka
  replicas: 1
      app: kafka-broker
        app: kafka-broker
      hostname: kafka-broker
      - env:
        - name: KAFKA_BROKER_ID
          value: "1"
          value: ZOOKEEPER-INTERNAL-IP:2181
        - name: KAFKA_LISTENERS
          value: PLAINTEXT://:9092
          value: PLAINTEXT://kafka-broker:9092
        image: wurstmeister/kafka
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: kafka-broker
          - containerPort: 9092

In the above line number 37 you need to change according to your Zookeeper service NodePort. Now apply
k apply -f kafka-broker.yml
after apply
watch kubectl get all -n kafka
Image: Kube kafka 2
Step 3: Enable Network communications To ensure that Zookeeper and Kafka can communicate by using this hostname (kafka-broker), we need to add the following entry to the /etc/hosts file on
echo " kafka-broker" > /etc/hosts
Set the port forwarding as following: kubectl port-forward 9092 -n kafka Image: Kafka on Kubernetes
Open new terminal and run the following:

Test Kafka Topics using Kafkacat

To easily send and retrieve messages from Kafka, we’ll use a CLI tool named KCat 7Install KCat using the below command:
apt install kafkacat
Image : Kafkacat installation

Producing message and Consume using Kafcat

Run the below command to create a topic named topic1 and send a test message “hello everyone!” you can enter your own messages.
echo "hello everyone!" | kafkacat -P -b -t topic1
Now let's consume the message using kafkacat command:
  kafkacat -C -b -t topic1
Image : Kafkacat Producer Consumer
Happy learning Kafka on the Kubernetes, The above experiment I've run on the Killercoda terminal.

Kafdrop install and Monitor

There are many monitoring trools available for Kafka brokers. Ive collectiect Various monitoring options:
  • Factor House Kpow
  • Datadog
  • Kafka Lag Exporter
  • Confluent
  • CMAK (Cluster Manager for Apache Kafka)
  • Kafdrop
  • Offset Explorer
 Let's explore the kafdrop monitoring
Kafdrop for Kafka brokers monitoring


To run the Kafdrop monitoring tool Ensure Java installed by checking
java -version
If you don't find java on your Ubuntu run the following :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk -y
for other Linux distributions you need to use right package manger to install JDK.

Download Kafdrop jar file from github:
sudo mkdir kafka-monitor
cd  kafka-monitor
curl -L -o kafdrop.jar
The curl command ensures that Kafdrop may have any release version but the jar file renamed as `kafdrop.jar`.

Now all set to go and run the Kafdrop jar file with the --kafka.brokerConnect option where you can give single Kafka broker details or Kafka cluster details as mentioned here:

java -jar kafdrop.jar \
If you don't specified anything, kafka.brokerConnect defaults to localhost:9092

Accessing Kafdrop UI

As Kafdrop uses 9000 as default port, So we can open a fresh browser and access the Kafdrop with localhost:9000 or from online terminals there will be Ports opened by providing custom port as '9000'. If you want to override the port and also get to know about the Kafka cluster details from a properties file then create a file named as '' with the content as:
when you have file in the same path where kafdrop.jar presents then they all picked automatically so the command would be `java -jar kafddrop.jar`. *+*

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Kafka installation on Ubuntu

Kafka message broker is developed by Linkedin. To support their social media platform across the world. Message systems are defined as two Queues, Topics. If a messge send from a producer and received by single consumer then the communication will be point-to-point this is will be allowed in Queues. If Producer produce the message and there coudl be multiple consumers then it is One-to-many or pubf-sub of Publisher/Subscriber model it is implemented by Topic. Kafka supports both message models.

Initial Setup for Kafka

Kafka is build on scale and it runs on Java run time. So prerequisite to run Kafka we need Java as prerequisite. Optional other tools to help for troubleshoot and identify Kafka ports in use with 'netstat' command, topic content to view 'jq' and to have tree view 'tree' need to installed.
apt update
apt install -y net-tools jq tree
On Ubuntu run the following commands to install compatible Java, here I'm using OpenJDK 21 version
apt install -y openjdk-21-jdk-headless
Confirm the Java installation get the java version : `java -version`

OpenJDK21 installed verify


Install Apache Kafka

Let's use kafka's quick start as per the Apache Kafka release model they will have yearly 3 stable releases the last stable release version available 3.9.0 from Nov 2024 with two binary options with Scala version support 2.12 and 2.13 are availble. So we will download kafka at

Install Kafka 3.9.0


# extract the file and cd into the folder

tar -xzf kafka_2.12-3.9.0.tgz
cd kafka_2.12-3.9.0

start zookeeper

Kafka comes bundled with ZooKeeper. Here’s an example of what your might look like:
start ZooKeeper using the following command:
bin/ config/
To verify Zookeeper working run the below command:
echo "Are you there ZooKeeper" | nc localhost 2181
If it responds with `imok`, then ZooKeeper is operational.

Starting Kafka multiple brokers on single host

Intially try with single broker after understanding how it is working you can move to multi-broker setup as discussed here. So our step here is to Start the Kafka server and then create a topic Now open a new terminal window and start the kafka-server, the start script available in bin directory. To make cluster configuration create server.partitions file to 2 copies to simulate:
cd kafka_2.12-3.9.0/config/
cp # for broker1
cp # for broker2
Most common changes are with the 3 parameters on broker configuration:
Broker 1:

Broker 2:
and then start these three servers in background as follows:
cd ~/kafka_2.12-3.9.0
nohup bin/ config/ >broker1.out 2>&1 &
tail -f broker1.out

nohup bin/ config/ >broker2.out 2>&1 &
tail -f broker2.out

#confirm with process check and network stats
jps -lm
netstat -tulpn|grep java

Create Topic

Add another terminal window create topic 'test' with the following commands:
cd ~/kafka_2.12-3.9.0/
bin/ --create --bootstrap-server \
localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 \
--partitions 1 --topic test
Noe, we can confirm the topic is created on the kafka server by listing all topics on it:
bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Send messages to topic

Producer simulation here, Send some text messages for testing purpose Kafka comes with a command line client that will take input from a file or from standard input and send it out as messages to the Kafka cluster. By default, each line will be sent as a separate message.
Run the producer and then type a few messages into the console to send to the server.
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test

For example enter the message on topic test as follows:

I love India
Mera Bharat mahan
Viswa guru Bharat
Skill India

Use ctrl-c to exit from producer

Consume messages

Start a consumer script to receive messages from the topic. Kafka also has a command line consumer that will dump out messages to standard output, it should return the lines you typed in the above step.
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test 
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test -o 2
same as we did for producer, Consumer can use ctrl-c to exit Hope you enjoyed this learning with me. Keep posting your experiance on this.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Job & CronJob - Batch Job

What is Job object in Kubernetes?

A Job object will be used to create one or more Pods and the Job ensures that a specified number of Pod instances will be created and terminates after completion of the Job. There could be finite jobs which will run within given certain timeout values. Job tracks for 'Successful' completion of the required task. Jobs can be run in two variants they can be parallel and also non-parallel.

Kubernetes Job types

There are 3 types of jobs non-parallel jobs [single pod jobs - unless it fails. creates replacement pod when pod goes down] parallel jobs with a fixed completion count parallel jobs with task queue 

##Example type 1: hundred-fibonaccis.yml
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
    name: fibo-100
      - name: fib-container 
        image: truek8s/hundred-fibonaccis:1.0
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
  backoffLimit: 3
Create the Job:
kubectl create -f hundred-fibonaccis.yml
Now let's describe the job:
kubectl describe job fibo-100
Describing a Job in Kubernetes

In the Job description you can observe the attributes such as parallelism, Pod Statuses.
On the other terminal which is running in parallel, Observe the pod status change from Running to Completed:
kubectl get po -w 
Pod still exists to get the logs
kubectl logs [podname] -- [container] 
We can see the Fibonacci number series printed out from the container logs.
Fibonacci series printed from kubctl logs command

##Example type 2
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: counter
      name: count-pod-template
      - name: count-container
        image: alpine
         - "/bin/sh"
         - "-c"
         - "for i in 100 50 10 5 1; do echo $i; done"
      restartPolicy: Never
To create the counter-job use the following command :
kubectl create -f counter-job.yaml
Check Job list:
kubectl get jobs
Check the Pod:
kubectl get po 
Check the log:
kubectl logs count-pod-xxx 
Counter Job execution output using kubectl logs

Now let's Describe the job counter :
kubectl describe jobs counter 
You can observer the Start Time and Pod Statuses from the above command ##cleanup delete job:
kubectl delete jobs counter-job 
no need to delete pod, When a Job deleted automatically removes the corresponding all its pods.

Controlling Job Completions

In some situations you need to run the same job multiple times, we need to define completions: number it under Job-> Specifications (spec section)
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello-job
  completions: 2
        - name: busybox-container
          image: busybox
          command: ["echo", "hello Kubernetes job!!!"]
       restartPolicy: Never
Observe the number of the Completions on the
watch kubectl get all
  kubectl get pods
  kubectl delete job hello-job
  kubectl get pods 
Once Job is deleted all its relavant resource will be cleaned up automaticall.


In some project there will be need to run multiple pods running in parallel
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello-job
  parallelism: 2
        - name: busybox-container
          image: busybox
          command: ["echo", "hello Kubernetes job!!!"]
       restartPolicy: Never
Observe the number of the Completions on the How backoffLimit works on Job? Let's do simple exeriment and understand this 'backoffLimit' attribute.
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: hello-job
  parallelism: 2
  backoffLiit: 4
        - name: busybox-container
          image: busybox
          command: ["ech0o", "hello Kubernetes job!!!"]
       restartPolicy: Never
Observe command mistyped purposefully, which will fail to create new Pod.

Working with CronJob

Job that works like a crontab in Linux systems. Any task that needs to be executed based on the scheduled time then we can use this Kubernetes Object.

##Example CronJob
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: hello-cron
  schedule: "* * * * *"
          - name: busybox-container
            image: busybox
            command: ["echo", "Namste Kubernetes Cronjob!!!"]
           restartPolicy: OnFailure
Creating the sample CronJob by running the following command:
kubectl create -f cronjob.yaml

Open in new terminal and run the following command to watch continuously:
watch kubectl get all 
Check the Pod Logs: Use the Pod name to view the logs and see the output of the CronJob: kubectl get po ; kubectl logs PODNAME

kubernetes logs cronjob run pod

The schedule field is set to "* * * * *", which means the job will run every minutes.
The job runs a busybox container that prints the given text message.

Check the pods section in the above output

Kubernetes CronJob

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