Why we need a Docker Universal Control Plane(UCP)?
To make more production-ready setup we would do this experiment with three CentOS7 nodes. The following picture tells us how powerful UCP in Docker Enterprise Edition is. You can manage services, multiple deployments using stacks, summary and manage docker containers and their images. you can also add/remove nodes and get their status, category. Docker network full control on it. Storage volumes also you can manage from the UCP admin console.- Ease of use with GUI based management
- High Availability(HA) made simple
- Access Control - organization, team, users manageable
- Monitoring - Overall system can be viewed in a single page
- docker native integration - network capabilities are handled
- Swarm Managed - Swarm master, worker nodes configured
- 3rd party plugins - DTR connects as plugin
Universal Control Plane running on Docker-ee with Swarm cluster |
Prerequisites for Docker EE installation
Infrastructure designing will be a crucial part of any environment that you build on the Cloud or on-premises Docker ecosystem. First, let's consider what all goes into the master node.- Docker-EE installation (docker-ee) requires hub.docker.com signup and download the license
- Ports 80 and 443 are required to expose for UCP Containers to run.
- Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) only can run other than UCP running node because it also requires same reserved ports 80 and 443
- Download Vagrant as per your system
- Download VirtualBox
How to install Docker-EE on CentOS 7?
It is a very interesting story, Docker EE installation on CentOS 7 Vagrant boxes1. Create three centos7 machines master - mstr, node1, node
2 for slaves. 2. Go to the hub.docker.com login with your credentials
The Vagrantfile content is as follows
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.box = "centos/7" config.vm.boot_timeout=600 config.landrush.enabled = true config.vm.define "mstr" do |mstr| mstr.vm.host_name = "mstr.devopshunter.com" mstr.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" mstr.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.cpus = "2" vb.memory = "3070" end end config.vm.define "node1" do |node1| node1.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" node1.vm.hostname = "node1.devopshunter.com" node1.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.cpus = "2" vb.memory = "1500" end end config.vm.define "node2" do |node2| node2.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" node2.vm.hostname = "node2.devopshunter.com" node2.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.cpus = "2" vb.memory = "1500" end end end
vagrant up vagrant status
vagrant status for docker-ee installation on CentOS7 |
vagrant ssh-config
Use the PuTTYgen tool to convert the private_key to corresponding .ppk files. In my experiment, mstr.ppk, node1.ppk, node2.ppk files are generated in respective folders where private_key exists.
Now all set to go for connecting the each VM with corresponding IPs that assigned.
In each node you need to run the following commands:
1. Setup the repo for docker-ee
export DOCKERURL="https://storebits.docker.com/ee/centos/sub-eb111810-d6d8-4168-ac96-6e553a77381f" sudo -E sh -c 'echo "$DOCKERURL/centos" > /etc/yum/vars/dockerurl' cat /etc/yum/vars/dockerurl
2. Install docker dependdencies storage drivers sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 3. Add the repo and tell that available at where (i.e., Path)
sudo -E yum-config-manager \ --add-repo \ "$DOCKERURL/centos/docker-ee.repo"
yum repo update for docker-ee |
sudo yum -y install docker-ee sudo systemctl start docker
docker-ee installation on CentOS7 completed! |
Now lets confirming by running hello-world container.
docker -v
sudo docker run hello-world
docker-ee installation confirmation with hello-world |
docker info for the docker-ee |
Universal Control Plane (UCP) installation
docker container run --rm -it --name ucp \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ docker/ucp:2.2.5 install \ --host-address \ --interactive Enter username and password when it prompts. admin # welcome1 We detected the following hostnames/IP addresses for this system [mstr.devopshunter.com] You may enter additional aliases (SANs) now or press enter to proceed with the above list. Additional aliases: INFO[0000] Initializing a new swarm at INFO[0004] Establishing mutual Cluster Root CA with SwarmThis will automatically activate the swarm cluster master.
Login to UCP at
UCP Login page
Universal Control Plane login page |
After clicking on Signin we will be prompted to use the 'upload license'. It will be available on your docker hub page from where you have got the docker-ee installation url. You can request for new trail license or else you can also go for skip for now option.
Here, I am loading that docker_subscription.lic file, which was already downloaded.
UCP Manager console |
Create a Swarm Node and join
Click on the Nodes, which will shows the a manager node already existing. Click on the 'Add Node' button.
UCP Configuring Nodes joining Swarm cluster |
The highlighted bottom given docker swarm join command snippet copy the line, paster and run in the node1 and node2. This will take some time to join the swarm cluster. wait for a while and check the Cluster by refreshing.
Added nodes to Swarm cluster |
Healthy UCP nodes |
I hope you enjoyed this post keep writing your valuable comments. Keep sharing with your techie friends who can appreciate you!
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