Saturday, November 16, 2019

Best Performance DevOps interview Questions

I hope you all doing great with DevOps learnings! There is a huge demand for DevOps engineers, where people turning from the many freshers turning to DevOps Engineer roles and becoming experts after exploring. Here I would like to target the key DevOps tools as interview questions.

Here I'm collecting interesting DevOps interview questions out of my experiences and some of my friends who attended in various companies. And also made some of them collected from the most highly professional session delivered in the YouTube tutorials.

World-class DevOps Interview Questions

SCM Questions

  1. Can we build some code from SVN and some from the GIT repository in a single Jenkins job?
  2. Merging two branches merge conflicting? How do you resolve it?
  3. What is the difference between git clone, git fetch and git pull?
  4. How do you deal with git remote repository?

AWS Interview Questions

  1.  AMI instance took the snapshot from recently build instance, How can I create a new instance?
  2.  Can you change VPC? when you do that? What are the restrictions on VPC?
  3. What is S3 used for? 
  4. What is EC2 in AWS?
  5. What is Route53? Which situations you will use it?
  6. What are the storage options in AWS? Explain what are the advantages for each type?

Linux/Unix Shell scripting

  1. How do you find the number of files used by a particular user?
  2. How to find and replace the strings in vi editors?
  3. Can you tell the steps involved in the shell script to find the latest 5 days log files archive them, then remove them from the location?
  4. What are the options we have for filtering data using regular expression?
  5. What are the differences between Linux and UNIX?

Docker Interview Questions

  1. Can you write a simple Dockerfile where a webserver runs?
  2. What is the difference between ENTRYPOINT and CMD?
  3. How to parameterized the run time containers?
  4. How do Docker Host and Docker client communicate?
  5. What is Docker Swarm do?
  6. What do you understand about the image and containers in Docker?
  7. What are the types of Docker repositories?
  8. How do you provide Docker security?
  9. What are the differences between Docker EE and Docker CE?
  10. What is the default Docker network?
  11. What are the features of Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP)?
  12. Why do we need Docker Trusted Registry(DTR)?
  13. What is the best orchestration tool for Docker? Why?
  14. How do you store data for a container that runs a database?
  15. What is the best way to bring up/down the web server, application server and a database like MySQL in a sequence?

Kubernetes Interview Questions

  1. What is the Kubernetes architecture explain to me in detail?
  2. How does Master-Slave work in Kubernetes?
  3. What are the namespaces in Kubernetes?
  4. How does the persistant volume works in Kubernetes?
  5. What all possible networks available for Kubernetes?
  6. How do you deploy an application on Kubernetes Cluster?
  7. How do you scale the services in Kubernetes?
  8. What is a replica set in Kubernetes?
  9. What does configMap do in Kubernetes?
  10. What is a Pod? How many types of Pods used in Kubernetes?
  11. How do you integrate docker images to build and ship to a Kubernetes cluster?
  12. How do you allocate the resources for a Kubernetes cluster?

Prometheus Interview Questions

  1. What is Prometheus? explain the purpose.
  2. How do you install and configure Prometheus?
  3. How do you start Prometheus?
  4. Why should you select Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager stack used?
  5. How do Prometheus store TSDB data? explain configuration options.
  6. What are the recently encounter issues in Prometheus monitoring system?
  7. What are the features of PromQL?
  8. What are data types in PromQL 
  9. What are the binary operators in PromQL?
  10. What are the metrics types in PromQL?
  11. What is a counter in PromQL?
  12. How do you deal with a Histogram in PromQL?
  13. What is the difference between Gauge vs 

Grafana Interview Questions

  1. How do you integrate Prometheus with Grafana?
  2. How do you design a Grafana dashboard?
  3. How do you connect a Datasource in Grafana? Explain the example as Prometheus as Database.
  4. What are the attributes that need to be considered for developing the visualization in Grafana?
  5. What are the best features of Grafana? what you have implemented?
  6. What all the exporters required in Prometheus so that Grafana visualizations could give effective output?
  7. How do you parameterize the Dashboard where there is selective metrics outcome required.

Alert Manager Interview Questions

  • How do you install Alert Manager?
  • How do you configure an Alert manager?
  • Where does the Alert Manager best suites for?
  • How do you define Alert Rule?
  • How do you format the Alert messages in Slack or mail?

SRE interview Questions


  1. Docker Image management
  2. Kubernetes Basic Installation

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Kubernetes (25) Docker (20) git (13) Jenkins (12) AWS (7) Jenkins CI (5) Vagrant (5) K8s (4) VirtualBox (4) CentOS7 (3) docker registry (3) docker-ee (3) ucp (3) Jenkins Automation (2) Jenkins Master Slave (2) Jenkins Project (2) containers (2) create deployment (2) docker EE (2) docker private registry (2) dockers (2) dtr (2) kubeadm (2) kubectl (2) kubelet (2) openssl (2) Alert Manager CLI (1) AlertManager (1) Apache Maven (1) Best DevOps interview questions (1) CentOS (1) Container as a Service (1) DevOps Interview Questions (1) Docker 19 CE on Ubuntu 19.04 (1) Docker Tutorial (1) Docker UCP (1) Docker installation on Ubunutu (1) Docker interview questions (1) Docker on PowerShell (1) Docker on Windows (1) Docker version (1) Docker-ee installation on CentOS (1) DockerHub (1) Features of DTR (1) Fedora (1) Freestyle Project (1) Git Install on CentOS (1) Git Install on Oracle Linux (1) Git Install on RHEL (1) Git Source based installation (1) Git line ending setup (1) Git migration (1) Grafana on Windows (1) Install DTR (1) Install Docker on Windows Server (1) Install Maven on CentOS (1) Issues (1) Jenkins CI server on AWS instance (1) Jenkins First Job (1) Jenkins Installation on CentOS7 (1) Jenkins Master (1) Jenkins automatic build (1) Jenkins installation on Ubuntu 18.04 (1) Jenkins integration with GitHub server (1) Jenkins on AWS Ubuntu (1) Kubernetes Cluster provisioning (1) Kubernetes interview questions (1) Kuberntes Installation (1) Maven (1) Maven installation on Unix (1) Operations interview Questions (1) Oracle Linux (1) Personal access tokens on GitHub (1) Problem in Docker (1) Prometheus (1) Prometheus CLI (1) RHEL (1) SCM (1) SCM Poll (1) SRE interview questions (1) Troubleshooting (1) Uninstall Git (1) Uninstall Git on CentOS7 (1) Universal Control Plane (1) Vagrantfile (1) amtool (1) aws IAM Role (1) aws policy (1) caas (1) chef installation (1) create organization on UCP (1) create team on UCP (1) docker CE (1) docker UCP console (1) docker command line (1) docker commands (1) docker community edition (1) docker container (1) docker editions (1) docker enterprise edition (1) docker enterprise edition deep dive (1) docker for windows (1) docker hub (1) docker installation (1) docker node (1) docker releases (1) docker secure registry (1) docker service (1) docker swarm init (1) docker swarm join (1) docker trusted registry (1) elasticBeanStalk (1) global configurations (1) helm installation issue (1) mvn (1) namespaces (1) promtool (1) service creation (1) slack (1)