Thursday, October 13, 2022

Kubernetes Security - Multiple Cluster with Multiple User Config

Hello Guys! in this post we are going to explore about the Kubeconfig. This is a special configuration that will be part of Kubernetes Security. We can configure multiple clusters and different users can access these Kubernetes cluster. We can also configure the users can have access to multiple clusters.

When we started working on Kubernetes Cluster there is a config file automatically generated for us. 

To access a Kube Cluster using the certificate files generated for admin user can be given as follows:
kubectl get pods \
 --server controlplane:6443
 --clisent-key: admin.key
 --client-certificate admin.crt 
 --certificate-authority ca.crt 
Every time passing all these TLS details(server,client-key,client-certificate, certificate-authority) including in the kubectl command is tedious process. Instead of this we can move TLS Certificate file set into a config file that is called kubeconfig file. The usage will be as follows
kubectl get pods 
  --kubeconfig config 
Usually this config file will be stored under .kube inside the home directory. If the config file present in this $HOME/.kube/ location and file name as config is automatically detected by the kubectl command while executing.


What is KubeConfig contains?

The kubeconfig file have three sections clusters, users, contexts

Cluster section used to define the multiple sets of Kubernetes clusters such as development, testing, preprod and prod environment wise cluster or different organizations integrations use separate clsuter or different cloud providers can have clusters example google-cluster or azure-cluster etc.

And in the Users section we can have admin user, developer user etc. These users may have different privileges on different cluster resources.

Finally contexts manages the above two sections together mapping to form a context. here we will get to know that which user account will be used to access which cluster.

Remember, we are not going to create any new users or configuring any kind of user or authorization in this kubeconfig. We will be using only the existing users with their existing privileges and defining what user acces what cluster mapping. This way we don't have to specify tht user certifcates and server URL in each and every kubectl command to run.

The kubeconfig is in yaml format which basically have above mentioned three sections.
Kubernetes Configuration with different clusters map to Users

Filename: vybhava-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config

- name: vybhava-prod-cluster
    certificate-authority: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    server: https://controlplane:6443

- name: vybhava-dev-cluster
    certificate-authority: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    server: https://controlplane:6443

- name: vybhava-gcp-cluster
    certificate-authority: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    server: https://controlplane:6443

- name: vybhava-qa-cluster
    certificate-authority: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    server: https://controlplane:6443

- name: operations
    cluster: vybhava-prod-cluster
    user: kube-admin
- name: test-user@vybhava-dev-cluster
    cluster: vybhava-dev-cluster
    user: test-user

- name: gcp-user@vybhava-gcp-cluster
    cluster: vybhava-gcp-cluster
    user: gcp-user

- name: test-user@vybhava-prod-cluster
    cluster: vybhava-prod-cluster
    user: test-user

- name: research
    cluster: vybhava-qa-cluster
    user: dev-user

- name: kube-admin
    client-certificate: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/kube-admin/kube-admin.crt
    client-key: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/kube-admin/kube-admin.key
- name: test-user
    client-certificate: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/test-user/test-user.crt
    client-key: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/test-user/test-user.key
- name: dev-user
    client-certificate: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/dev-user/dev-user.crt
    client-key: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/dev-user/dev-user.key
- name: gcp-user
    client-certificate: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/gcp-user/gcp-user.crt
    client-key: /etc/kubernetes/pki/users/gcp-user/gcp-user.key

current-context: operations

To view the configuration of current cluster you must have the config in $HOME/.kube/config 

The content of kubernetes configuration can be view with the following command: :
kubectl config view 
Kubernetes Cluster view when default config used

To view newly created customized configurations, we need to specify the file path "vybhava-config" file. Note here the "vybhava-config" is available in the current directory.
kubectl config view --kubeconfig=vybhava-config

Know your Kubernetes cluster 

To check the list of cluster(s) exist in the default kubernetes cluster config
kubectl config get-clusters
Work with your customized config file vybhava-config to know clusters list
kubectl config get-clusters --kubeconfig=vybhava-config

Knowing about Kubernetes cluster from Kube Config

KuberConfig user details

To check the list of user(s) exist in the default kubernetes cluster config
kubectl config get-users
Work with your customized config file vybhava-config to know user list
kubectl config get-users --kubeconfig=vybhava-config

KubeConfig getting the users list

KubeConfig Context

Here the context will be using users, clusters  and each context is identified with a name define also here we can sees at the end of the configuration  current context. 

To find how many contexts in vybhava-config To know for default cluster contexts :
kubectl config get-contexts
To identify what user configured in the 'operator' context we need to use the 'get-contexts' option the mapping output is displayed as a table where 'CURRENT' context will be pointed with '*' in the column.
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-contexts
Kubernetes Config getting Contexts using kubectl

Here in the Context section we could add a field namespace that can be specific to project module such as production cluster can be mapped to HR application that runs with hr-finance,hr-hirings namespce.

Here we have executed all possible choices for fetching the Users, Clusters, Context from KubeConfig object. Now let's try to set the context

delete user

kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-users
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config delete-user test-user
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-users
Deletion of Users from Config

delete cluster

kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-clusters 
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config delete-cluster vybhava-gcp-cluster
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-clusters 
Kubernetes Cluster deletion from KubeConfig

delete context

kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-contexts 
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config delete-context gcp-user@vybhava-gcp-cluster
kubectl config --kubeconfig=vybhava-config get-contexts 
Deletion of Context from Kube Config

The certificate files can be part in cluster certificate-authority user certificates, The best tells that instead of using admin.crt we must use absolute path to the certificate files such as here /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt and one more way to use certificate-authority-data field value can be used with certificate file content base64 encoded data. As we learnt about the content is sensitive then we need to use base64 command to encode run command as  "base64 ca.crt" and that can be understood by Kubernetes automatically. 

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