Friday, December 13, 2019

Docker Networking

Hello, dear DevOps enthusiast, welcome back to DevOpsHunter learners site! In this post, we would like to explore the docker networking models and different types of network drivers and their benefits.

What is Docker Networking?

Understanding docker networking

Docker provided multiple network drivers plugin installed as part of Library along with Docker installation. You have choice and flexibilities. Basically the classification happen based on the number of host participation. SinbleHost WILL 

Let's see the types of network drivers in docker ecosystem.

docker network overview

Docker Contianers are aim to built tiny size so there may be some of the regular network commands may not be available. We need to install them inside containers.

Issue #1 Inside my container ip or ifconfig not working, How to resolve 'ip' command not working?

  apt update;  apt install -y iproute2  

Issue #2: ping command not working how to resolve this ?? Solution: Go inside your container
  apt update;  apt install -y iputils-ping  

What is the purpose of Docker Network?

  • Containers need to communicate with external world (network)
  • Reachable from external world to provide service (web applications must be accessable)
  • Allow Containers to talk to Host machine (container to host)
  • inter-container connectivity in same host and multi-host (container to container)
  • Discover services provided by containers automatically (search other services)
  • Load balance network traffic between many containers in a service (entry to containerization)
  • Secure multi-tenant services (Cloud specific network capability)
Features of Docker network
  • Type of network-specific network can be used for internet connectivity
  • Publishing ports - open the access to services runs in a container
  • DNS - Custom DNS setting Load balancing - allow, deny with iptables
  • Traffic flow - application access Logging - where logs should go # check the list of docker networking

To explore docker network object related commands you can use --help

docker network help output

Listing of docker default networks. It also shows three network driver options ready to use :
docker network ls 

# There are 3 types of network drivers in Docker-CE Installation with local scoped(Single host) which are ready to use - bridge, host, null. There is the significance in each type of driver.

docker network create --driver bridge app-net
docker network ls
# To remove a docker network use rm
docker network rm app-net
Let's experiment
docker run -d -it --name con1 alpine
docker exec -it con1 sh
# able to communicate with outbound responses

To check the network route table entries inside a container and on your Linux box where Docker Engine hosted:
ip route
ip r

we are good to go for validate that from con1 container able to communicate other container con2 ping con2 # Bridge utility if it is not found then install
yum -y install bridge-utils
# check the bridge and its associated virtual eth cards brctl show

The 'brctl' show command output

There is the mapping of IP address shows the bridge attached to container

Default Bridge Network in Docker

The following experiment will let you understand the default bridge network that is already available when the docker daemon is in execution.

docker run -d -it --name con1 alpine
docker run -d -it --name con2 alpine

docker ps
docker inspect bridge

default bridge network connected with con1, con2
After looking into the inspect command out you will completely get the idea how the bridge works.

Now let's identify the containers con1 and con2
docker exec -it con1 sh
ip addr show
ping -c 4
ping -c 4 ipaddr-con2
ping -c 4 con2        --- should not work means dns will not work for default bridges
# remove the containers which we tested docker rm -v -f con1 con2

User-defined Bridge Network

docker network create --driver bridge mynetwork
docker network ls
docker inspect mynetwork

docker run -d -it --name con1 --network mynetwork alpine
docker run -d -it --name con2 --network mynetwork alpine

docker ps
docker inspect mynetwork

Now let's see inside the container with the following:
docker exec -it con1 sh
ip addr show
ping -c 4
ping -c 4 ipaddr-con2
ping -c 4 con2        --- should WORKS, that means dns is avaialable in mynetwork

Clean up of all the containers after the above experiment
docker rm -v -f con1 con2 #cleanup
Now we can check the connection between two user defined bridge networks.

docker network create --driver bridge mynetwork1
docker network create --driver bridge mynetwork2

docker run -d -it --name con1 --network mynetwork1 alpine
docker run -d -it --name con2 --network mynetwork1 alpine

docker run -d -it --name con3 --network mynetwork2 alpine
docker run -d -it --name con4 --network mynetwork2 alpine

docker inspect mynetwork1
docker inspect mynetwork2

Now we can get the IP Address of containers of both the networks, using the 'docker inspect' command
docker exec -it con1 sh
ping -c 4 ipaddr-con3 #get the ip address using docker container inspect con3
ping -c 4 con3 # This will not work because two bridges isolated

Docker Host networking diriver

Now in the experiment of Host Network example

 docker run --rm -d --network host --name my_nginx nginx
 curl localhost
Now you know about how to run a container attached to a network, But now a container created already with default bridge network that can be attach to a custom bridge network is it possible ? is that have same IP address?

How to connect a user-defined network object with running Container?

We can move a docker container from default bridge network to a user defined bridge network it is possible. When this change happen the container IP address dynamically changes. 

docker  network connect command is used to connect a running container to an existing user-defined bridge. The syntax as follows:
 docker network connect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINER

Example my_nginx already running container.
docker run -dit --name ng2 \
  --publish 8080:80 \

docker network connect mynetwork ng2

Observe after connecting to User defined bridge network check the IP Address of the container.

To disconnect use the following:
docker network disconnect mynetwork ng2
Once the disconnected check the IP Address of the container ng2 using 'docker container inspect ug2'. This will concludes that container can be migrated from one network to other without stopping it. There is no errors while performing this.

Overlay Network for Multi-host

Docker overlay network will be part of Docker swarm or Kubernetes where you have Multi-Host Docker ecosystem.
docker network create --driver overlay net-overlay
# above command fails with ERROR
docker network ls
The overlay networks will be visible in the network list once you activate the Swarm on your Docker Engine. and for network overlay driver plugins that support it you can create multiple subnetworks. #if swarm not initialized use following command with the IP Address of your Docker Host
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Overlay Network will serve the containers association with Docker 'service' object instead of 'container' object. # scope of the overlay shows swarm
docker service create --help
# Create service of nginx 
docker service create --network=net-overlay --name=app1 --replicas=4 ngnix
docker service ls|grep app1 
docker service inspect app1 |more # look for the VirtualIPs in th output

Docker Overlay driver allows us not only multi-host communication, the overlay driver plugins that support it you can create multiple subnetworks.
docker network create -d overlay \
                --subnet= \
                --subnet= \
                --gateway= \
                --gateway= \
                --ip-range= \
                --aux-address="my-router=" --aux-address="my-switch=" \
                --aux-address="my-printer=" --aux-address="my-nas=" \
docker network ls
docker network inspect my-multihost-network # Check the subnets listed out of this command
The output as follows:

Docker doc has an interesting Network summary same as it says --

  • User-defined bridge networks are best when you need multiple containers to communicate on the same Docker host.
  • Host networks are best when the network stack should not be isolated from the Docker host, but you want other aspects of the container to be isolated.
  • Overlay networks are best when you need containers running on different Docker hosts to communicate, or when multiple applications work together using swarm services.
  • Macvlan networks are best when you are migrating from a VM setup or need your containers to look like physical hosts on your network, each with a unique MAC address.


  1. Docker Networking: 
  2. User-define bridge network : 
  3. Docker Expose Ports externally:

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