Saturday, January 22, 2022

Docker image shipping using save and laod commands


Docker shipping images


There should be two docker installed boxes. Here in my case I'm using mstr, node1 boxes on my GCP.

High level overview

Docker images can be build based on the project requirements, Development team prepared a image which need to be ship to remote hosts. This is one of the key requirement for containerized micro-service applications.

Docker shipping using docker save and docker load commands

Step 1: In this post we will be creating a custom docker image name as 'dhanvi:1.0'.

Step 2. Save the custom image to a tar file and also tar.gz file (docker save).

Step 3. Ship the minimal size image file that is tar.gz file to a remote host (scp from mstr to node1).

Step 4. On the remote host load the docker image file using (docker load).

Step 5. List the docker images on the node1 and run the container.

Custom Image creation 

Docker image save

Docker command CLI provides us to save a docker image to a user specified file using docker save command. 

Save syntax:

docker image save IMAGENAME | IMAGE_ID > imagefile.tar 
docker image save IMAGENAME |gzip > myimage_latest.tar.gz 
Image save example:
Let's take our newly build image 'dhanvi:1.0' to work with docker save command:
docker save dhanvi:1.0 > dhanvi1.0.tar 
docker image save dhanvi:1.0 |gzip > dhanvi1.0.tar.gz 
# or
docker image save -o dhanvi_1.0.tar dhanvi:1.0

# Verify the image file sizes
ls -lh 

docker save command execution flow

Shipping image Docker images we can ship the image to remote host box. The image shipping can be done either manually copying to a pen-drive from developer machine to testing machine. Alternatively you can use 'scp'(secure copy in Linux) command by providing user credentails. Here I've copied to /tmp location you can use as per your project requirement.

  scp IMAGE.tar.gz user@rebothost:/tmp

Docker image load

Load example You can provide the docker image saved file as input (either use -i or --input options) or otherwise you can also use in-direction operator less than symbol as shown below:
 docker load -i /tmp/dhanvi1.0.tar.gz
docker load --input  /tmp/dhanvi1.0.tar.gz
docker load < /tmp/dhanvi1.0.tar.gz

Screenshot of docker load command execution

docker load command execution
Hope you like this post please comment and share to your friends!


  1. Docker image save
  2. Docker image load

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Ansible Error Handling and Fail Handling

Hello everyone!! In this post I would like to experiment with the failure handling with block-rescue-always block in a Ansible tasks in playbook. 


* Ansible installed and their must be Target nodes
* Basic understanding of any programming language that uses try- catch blocks

Ansible stops playbook execution on a task failure and we can choose to ignore that using 'ignore_errors' to continue with remaining tasks. (in Python we have 'pass' similar to that).

If you have couple of tasks in a playbook, when first task fails Ansible stops there. But if you want to execute the next tasks even though your first task failed.

# File name: ignore_err.yml
 - name: check ignore errors
   hosts: localhost
   gather_facts: false
    - block:
        - command: "ls ~/"
        - command: "ls ~/bin"
        - command: "ls /etc/hosts"
          become_user: root
          become: yes
      ignore_errors: yes

Now you can try to execute with 13 line and with out that line observe the output.
ansible-playbook ignore_err.yml
Execution of ignore_error play.

block concept

Common tasks 1. Install Apache httpd, memcached packages 2. We can use templates/src 3. We can start the services
  - block:
    - yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
	    - httpd
		- memcached
	- template: src=templates/src.j2 dest=/etc/mytest.conf
	- service: name=httpd state=started enabled=True 
  when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
  become: true
  become_user: root

Nested blocks

Block of blocks
 - name: Block of blocks
	  - name: install web server
	  - block:
		  - block:
			  - name: Install apache2
				apt: name=apache2 state=present
			when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
		  - block:
			  - name: Install HTTPd
				yum: name=httpd state=present
			when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
		tags: package

Block-level variable scope

We can have different scope for the variables defined at global playbook level and here we can also experiance the block level variables they can be only accessable with in the block, outside the block it will be 'UNDEFINED VARIABLE'.
 - hosts: localhost
     mystate: Happy
     - block:
             - debug: var=mystate
             - debug: var=mynextstate
         mynextstate: Learning
     - debug: var=mynextstate
ansible-playbook block_vars.yml
Screenshot of execution:


Ansible allows us to define the scope for do the code has errors under the block directive. When fatal error encountered Ansible control will jump out to the rescue directive section. Where you can perform some tasks that can be like sending failure notifications to the team on slack or email or pager.
- name: Testing block-rescue directives
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Handling the error tasks status
          - debug:
                  msg: 'This task is successful'
          - name: This will force failure
            command: /bin/false
          - debug:
                  msg: 'This task will not be executed'
          - name: Sleep for 30 seconds and continue with play
              timeout: 30
            delegate_to: localhost

          - debug:
                  msg: 'As there was a failure in block section, rescue section will run'
ansible-playbook block-rescue.yml

block-rescue-always in Ansible

The error point can be by running /usr/bin/false command

Error handling with three blocks 
1. block which contains tasks there could be some possible errors 
2. rescue part will be executed when there is error occurred in the upper block
3. To ensure some task that should executed always even when you are using the block having errors or not. 

- name: save file as block-rescue-always.yml
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local

    - block:
            - debug:
                msg: "I execute here..."
            - command: /usr/bin/false
            - debug:
                msg: "I never touched :("
            - debug:
                msg: "I caught Error here..."

            - command: /usr/bin/false
            - debug:
                msg: "I also never touched..."
            - debug:
                msg: "I am always there like God!"

Execution output
ansible-playbook block_rescue_always.yml

Using fail module in Ansible play

In most of the automation projects, Focus on the failure with handling tasks is major requirement
 - name: testing fail
   gather_facts: no
   hosts: localhost
     - name: check home bin folder
       command: ls ~/bin
       register: error_msg
       ignore_errors: yes

     - name: debug bin
         msg: "{{ error_msg }}"

     - name: failing blok
         msg: "FAILED exiting now..."
       when: error_msg.rc != 0

     - name: check home bin folder
       command: ls ~/
       register: home_msg

     - name: debug home
         msg: "{{ error_msg }}"
Execution of the fail module
ansible-playbook fail_test.yml

Ansible fail module error handling ignore error

Hope you like this post write your experience with error handling in Ansible playbooks.



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